Monday, January 5, 2009

Cousin Birthday~~

ok last thursday went to little cousin's birthday , biao jie's daughter , ok calling her biao jie is abit weird becoz she is same age as mi , older than mi by few months only :s
here is she~~hohoho..happy birthday~! (1 year old)
i think her name is jie ying i dun quite remember >.< not i heartless but i think most of them oso dono o :s cuz ar when singing birthday song we all were like : happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday to ....(silent)...! happy birthday to you!
this is my biao jie and her son :x same age as mi but she got 2 kids liao.. sad..i think i need to jia you le :s ...

oOOO and this 1 is my mom kena caught stealing the leftover cakes ..*cheapo* :X
ok i shall end it here XD


Anonymous said...

walau.. bad ppd... like tat said your mum :S

wanwan said...

lol!! ppd so funny!! :D u so bad.. ur relative u dono their name.. ppd jyjy.. invite me to ur wedding soon too :D